ALA- "slightly streepy", in reference to Meryl Streep's tumble in "death becomes her" was to relay to my tumble down the stairs because Mark said thats what I looked like, and then, I never made mention of it in said blog.
Such was the case with "A bottle of White....a WHOLE Bottle..."
The night prior...we had our photo shoot with Nat. I think I talked about that...I hope.
And it was lovely. Then we had some chow and libation with Nat as well. And I drank my weight in pinot grigio. Odd, as I had started the night off with my true love, Diet Coke. And planned to remain monogamous. Later I thought, "oh how I would enjoy a glass of white , fireside.." yes...I thought it just like that. And I opened a bottle called, "stella notte" and Stella and I had a one night stand. 3 hours later, I'd missed RUNWAY at Joey's, revealed more about my passion for Marin Mazzie than you should ever tell someone you just met who MAY or MAY NOT be friends with Marin Mazzie, and finished off Stella...that saucy bitch.
so yea, thats why that was the blog title.
In other news...
I like to (well I don't like to) have a nervous breakdown a week or so before opening with every show I do. But this time, I moved things along and had one Thursday night. Now brace yourself for this...
I am VERY insecure. VERY. And I often doubt myself (GASP). But then the show goes on as it always does and I realize I am capable and maybe even a little talented and everyone's happy and we all take a bow like Madonna. However...that usually isn't preceeded by an ankle fracture and tumble down a flight of stairs. So this particular run I've been, in Mark's words, "a ball of nerves" and its true. I feel like I'm missing a layer of skin. I'm afraid to get out of my bed let alone trot down a staircase ,"while belting high c's and preparing souflees". So Thursday night when we arrived to choreograph , "We Open on Thursday"...I mean, "We Open in Venice" and I saw that spiral staircase of death.....I almost vomitted. And after 3 hours of sassing Mark, rolling my eyes, sweating like Shelby in Steel Magnolias and being on the verge of tears, I lost my shit and Mark held me and we talked and now everything's lovely and I'm gonna dance like SJP in "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"....this role is mine. And I came to play.
Stay Tuned